Murray Fellows Program
The Murray Fellows will gather in September and May for worship, study, fellowship, and community-building. The two-day, two-night opening retreat will set the course for the year; the one-day closing retreat will be a time of reflection and celebration as fellows prepare for the next steps in their discernment journey. 2021-2022 retreat dates are September 2-4 and May 6.
Fellows and mentors will be matched in 1:1 pairings and will meet monthly. Murray Fellows mentors are experienced LGBTQ+ Christian leaders who can offer support and encouragement, as well as practical help with navigating ordination, seminary applications, and more.
Peer Cohort
Fellows will meet monthly for worship, fellowship, and guest lectures (these gatherings may be virtual or in-person). Guests will be invited based on the group’s interests, and may discuss topics ranging from “What is gender identity?” to “What’s it like to be a queer Army chaplain?” to “How can I be my full self at my non-affirming church?”
Therefore, encourage one another,
and build one another up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11