Consider the Murray Fellows if you have ever asked …


Is it possible to be LGBTQ+ and Christian?

How can I get my college transcript if I attended under my old name?

Am I “queer” or “questioning”?

How do I know if this is a calling from God or just something I want to do?

Are there any gay Army chaplains?

How will coming out affect my ordination process?

Is God calling me to be partnered or celibate?

If sexuality is a gift from God, why is it so complicated?

How do I know if my home church is still right for me?

What if I came out once already but my identity has shifted?

Are there any trans worship pastors?

How do I date as an LGBTQ+ Christian?

What if I feel same-sex attraction but I’m not sure what I believe about it?

Is God calling me to be a teacher or a pastor?

Am I still queer if I’ve never dated anyone of the same gender?

How do I tell my parents?

Will I get kicked out of school if I come out?

What if my congregation affirms my call but my denomination doesn’t?

Are there any bisexual overseas missionaries?

What do I do if my family won’t accept me?

How am I supposed to feel about the word “queer”?

If being LGBTQ+ isn’t a sin, what else am I wrong about?

What’s the deal with “Side A” and “Side B”?

Should I stay at my Christian college or transfer?

How do I date as someone preparing for a life in ministry?

What if I can’t contact any of my former professional references?

Can I be gay and still adhere to a conservative sexual ethic?

Can I be Christian and still adhere to a progressive sexual ethic?

How do I figure out my “sexual ethic”?

Has anyone else ever felt this way?

Is there even a word for people like me?

You are not alone. Not all of these questions have easy answers, but the Murray Fellows will explore them in a safe, confidential, and Christ-centered community. Apply today.